She’s finally here…

The long awaited news is here….Our new baby girl is earth side with us!

For some of you this has been a wait time of a pregnancy, some a little longer. For our little family of three this has been almost a THREE year wait. We are so relieved and blessed that after years of trying and almost a year of pregnancy she is HERE.

Since my last post we were really unsure of when she was going to come. Knowing Nathanael had his first Marathon on the weekend and we would be hours from our hospital, would it all come together? Fortunately it did. Nathanael finished his race and under his time goal, we enjoyed a weekend away at Noosa, got to have a whole rest day at home Monday, slipped out to see Aladdin while having early labour pains and then welcomed our new baby in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

I look forward to sharing my full birth story with you soon. For now though, at 40+5 weeks pregnant, after a 4hr + 15min Active Posterior Labour (All Natural) we welcomed our Second Daughter…..

Claire Alba Watts
28.05.19 – 3:29am
8 Pounds 1 Ounce (3.625kg)
51.5cm Long

Thank you for all of your love so far. We are so in love with our new little glow.

To my dearest Claire, may you grow to love yourself, your life, your talents and your dreams with all those who see your divine worth, like I do.

Love Sarah Kay xx

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