Great to be back..

Guys! Heyyyyy! It’s been so long. 4mths. This has definitely been the longest break I’ve taken from sharing and it’s been hard staying away. Life has gotten really busy and trying to find large pockets of time to write has been challenging. There is so much I want to share! Thank you to the many of you that have reached out and mentioned you miss reading my blogs and staying updated. I love being able to connect with you and I am excited to get back into it.

The last time I wrote, I spoke about my 28 intentions for my birthday, let me tell you how some of those are going.

  1. I wish to give myself more self-compassion and cut myself some slack (This has increased!)
  2. I wish to develop a deeper love of self and learn to value myself more (This is happening. I’m recognising more that my mistakes don’t define me. I am becoming SO much clearer on who I am and I am loving where it’s heading)
  3. I wish to fall pregnant
  4. I wish to have a child-free night with Nathanael (Mission Accomplished, someone offered but I also reached out for one which is very unlike me)
  5. I wish to go to the beach 5 times
  6. I wish to return to the temple now that its reopened
  7. I wish to learn to cook one awesome and generally tricky recipe
  8. I wish to listen to at least 10 audiobooks (I’m onto about 6 so far)
  9. I wish to graduate from therapy sessions (2/5 achieved)
  10. I wish to be classed in recovery this year from my eating disorder (Have taken a big step forward)
  11. I wish to attend a gym session like I used to pain-free (Not at the gym but have made some good progress to getting back)
  12. I wish to write 20 blog posts (Yeah, 4mths off hasn’t helped but just means you get to hear from me more)
  13. I wish to complete a big project at home (not sure what yet but maybe a veggie garden, laundry reno, paint the kitchen etc) (Veggie garden is in and growing!)
  14. I wish to do something meaningful in July to remember our baby (Would have been 37 weeks this week and plan on doing something special)
  15. I wish to take myself on a date (Looking forward to this a lot)
  16. I wish to have a girl’s night (Just had a friend message asking to go away for the day, yes!)
  17. I wish to have a pie contest activity
  18. I wish to have a random games activity day
  19. I wish to have a family photoshoot (Booked for the end of the year)
  20. I wish to read my 2021 intentions multiple times a week (Should probably print these hey!)
  21. I wish to intentionally visit a new place/area
  22. I wish to learn to braid my own hair (I learnt to braid Annabelle’s for school, first step, yay)
  23. I wish to get to a place where I am comfortable enough about being in my own skin that I don’t think about it multiple times a day (My discomfort is reducing)
  24. I wish to do something completely random and amazing no matter how big or small
  25. I wish to visit my grandfather one last time before he forgets who I am (Happened a couple of times)
  26. I wish to mend a broken relationship with someone in my life (This has evolved, I’ve learnt to value myself, my health and what I want and this isn’t something I want right now)
  27. I wish to re-find my joy in motherhood (I’ve spent time reflecting on my purpose as the mother to my children and it’s becoming clearer)
  28. I wish to more than anything, feel like myself again. It’s been a while since I have felt the type of peace I’m looking for. It’s been really hard feeling like an imposter but I do feel incredibly confident that with time this year that’s something I can not only ‘wish’ for but look forward to. (There have been glimmers of this so far and it’s so peaceful and I feel as though once again that there is….hope.

I’m really happy with how these are going and I’m confident that I will continue to achieve these as the year continues.

Now that isn’t to say that it’s been all rainbows over here. The past four months have been hard. I’ve had to do a lot of digging and that’s brought with it big changes and new revelations about myself and what I want to do moving forward.

Don’t worry, I won’t keep that all to myself, it will just come over the next few posts.

Some of the upcoming posts will be updating you on Annabelle (her school progression and birthday), Claire’s birthday, Stay at home mum feature on Mumli, miscarriage update, eating disorder update and more.

Thanks for being here for the journey, if there is anything else you want to hear an update on, please get in touch.

I’ve had many times over the past few months where I have felt really alone. I wish there were people out there writing about the things I’m struggling with so if you want to hear about something, let me know.

As always everyone, I love you. Keep being brave and making your life what you want it to be.

Love Sarah Kay, xx

6 thoughts on “Great to be back..

  1. You are an incredible and courageous person Sarah. Thank you for sharing and returning back to writing. You have a gift! It is inspiring me to do the same in my own corner. Look forward to more updates from you ❤️

    1. Love you beautiful woman! Keep being awesome. You have such a wonderful influence on those around you. Thank you for being honest and brave enough to embrace all that life throws at you. xxx

  2. It’s so great to hear from you again and to hear about your progress. I’ve been having withdrawal symptoms!
    You’re an amazing woman 🥰

  3. You’re so brave at opening up and I wish you nothing but the best. You’re an inspiration and a great mumma to Annabelle and Claire 💕 Luv your new friend Kylie xx

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