Gratitude in Italy…

When I think of Italy I think of history, architectural buildings, religion, the Pope, Pompeii, ‘old stuff’. I don’t really think of stunning cliff edges or pristine blue water. Let me tell you, Italy has plenty of that on offer too! We spent four days down in Naples and two of them were spent on the most gorgeous coastline I’ve ever seen. Only one thing stood in my way of it be a magical trip….the transport!

When we arrived in Naples I was surprised by the city. Unlike the others that we had gone to, Naples was a little more…..let’s just say it reminded me of ‘the hood’ in movies. It’s not a place I would feel comfortable walking around in without Nathanael. That’s not to say it’s not safe. Just that it’s not the vibe I got. All of our air bnb’s were booked within 1.5km or so of the train station. To try and keep cost down we would walk to and from. Most of the time that was okay and doable, however what the map didn’t show for that 1.5km was the steepness, the quality of footpath and the shops along the way. The walk to our apartment in Naples pretty much broke me.

Nathanael and I always try to fit in as much as possible. Which means we are constantly on the go. We prefer to be tired and not relax but be able to explore and experience more. Being pregnant meant that things I would have found tough were just miserable. How could our apartment be at the top of a hill higher than the statue of liberty? What’s the point in having wheels on our baggage if the footpath quality was SO poor that every couple of steps you take without rolling your ankle was a miracle?  Anyway….we made it.

We really loved this little air bnb because the bed was up some stairs in a little loft. It was cool to be in unique little apartments. It made the trip just that little bit more exciting.

At the end of our travelling day, we went on another Walking Tour. A main reason we like to do walking tours at the start of each location is so that we can learn about the history of the city and then be able to really appreciate it as we continue exploring the city during our remaining days there. They also usually give out recommendations on places to go and eat, shop, and avoid.

Our Naples walking tour took us to ancient underground ruins, an asylum where electrotherapy was performed and Italy’s oldest pizza shop (which opened in 1830 and has a long line of customers waiting everyday to be served). Another thing that was different about Naples is that where we were staying was a lot more ‘residential’ than other places. It was very common to be walking past houses where people were cooking, watching tv and generally living. These places were cramped, old and often had laundry bursting from every railing and window as there is just no room inside for it to dry.

As much as Italy takes the cake over Australia in terms of history and culture, I find great comfort in the quality of life that I have and my beautiful and comfortable home. *always practise gratitude.

Here we go, it was dinner time. What else were we to do but order a pizza. Over the years Nathanael has always commented about how western pizza just isn’t the same as REAL pizza. He had built my expectation HIGH….and truthfully, they were completely met. Oh how mouth-watering they were. SO much so that we ordered some Friday night, Saturday night (enough for Sunday) and then on our final night also. SO MUCH PIZZA = SO MUCH JOY. Plus, they only cost 3-4 euro. That’s like $5-$6 AU. Such a bargain!!!

If only that wonderful high could have stayed but alas it was followed by a low. Saturday morning we were meant to head to the Isle of Capri but we forgot to buy our ferry tickets so when we jumped on the website they were sold out for the morning and we wouldn’t be able to enjoy a full day. Scrambling we managed to organise our day at the Amalfi Coast instead. Taking a short train trip, we bordered a bus that would drive for 1.5hrs until we arrived. The drive was beautiful. The whole trip lined the cliff’s edge. I was amazed at the bus driver’s ability to share the narrow road with other buses and traffic. However, for as gorgeous as that coast line was, the trip was windy. I get car and bus sick normally, but when pregnant it’s ramped up another level. I was in complete agony. My whole gut and head felt like it had been put into a blender that wouldn’t turn off. The bus driver took pity on me and even though it was jumper weather he turned down the aircon temp and increased the fans in the hope it would ease my burdens. I was on the brink of either throwing up all that pizza or possibly fainting and just that little bit of cool air got me through. *always practise gratitude.

It got me thinking that even though Heavenly Father doesn’t always take away our pains and sufferings, He is always blessing us as we work our way through it. When we arrived it was epic. This beautiful little town, built into the cliff. I knew we were going to have a good day. We visited the regular and completely over the top duomo for the few people that lived there. We climbed SO many stairs (some sets a few times because Nathanael was determined to see something that I don’t even remember what, glad it was worth it babe!) We ate delish sandwiches for lunch on the pier, bought souvenirs and sweet treats in the afternoon from a fancy shop that boxes your order up with gold ribbons.

This reminded Nathanael of a memory from his childhood. He was sharing that someone at church gave his family a cake and his younger brother Anthony who would have been 4-5yrs at the time was holding it. Nathanael being around 11-12yrs old dared him to drop it….so he did. Such a random story that brought lots of belly laughs. Praying that I would fall asleep on the way home, the bus trip wasn’t as bad but was not a highlight that’s for sure.

Sunday morning, we woke up and got ready for church. I was excited to be attending church for the first time in Italy. The previous Sunday we were at the temple dedication. I wondered if Nathanael, having served part of his mission close by, would run into anyone he might know. Nathanael has this special trick where even though he is a naturally quiet person, every time we travel somewhere, be it 5 mins away or interstate, most of the time we run into someone Nathanael knew. He assured me this wouldn’t be the case this time. We walked to the chapel only to find out that it started later than anticipated. How did we find this out you wonder? Well when we arrived there was another man already waiting. He looks at Nathanael and said “You’re Watts, right?”, of course this man was a missionary serving at the same time as Nathanael in Italy 10-12yrs ago! They both knew and remembered each other. *Cue me looking at Nathanael to prove with my eyes that I was right (It’s so weird how often this happens*. Oh, and did I add he was visiting from America! What are the chances, right?!.

After church we went to Pompeii. This was an opportunity to just spend the afternoon walking and soaking in the history of BC living. The only thing I remember from high school history classes was Pompeii. I remember thinking, that would be SO cool to go to, and it was. We loved seeing the way people lived, the history of the rulers  and to see the remnants of families and culture. It is totally something I would recommend going to if you ever have the chance.

Now for my favourite part of our Naples trip….Isle of Capri. Setting off on the ferry we were very excited for the day ahead. Just looking at some of the photos online it seemed breathtaking. After another nauseating travel trip, this time a ferry, we arrived and jumped off only to jump back on a smaller boat to take a tour of the island. The weather was beautiful. The sun was out and the water was glistening.
We really loved our trip around the island. There were lots of rich houses built along the cliffs, many of which belong to famous celebrities who holiday there. While it seemed wonderful, I know how hard it is to get to those places, so unless they stay in their home the whole time there is actually A LOT of walking to get to them. We went inside the ‘blue grotto’ (which everyone online mentioned was overpriced….which is was). We didn’t care, we were just happy to be experiencing it. They take you on a very small boat and the tour guide rowes you through the grotto for 3-5mins. He also sings in the hopes of getting a tip off you. One of the tour guides had a lovely voice, ours, yeah not so much.

Once we redocked we travelled uphill for what seemed like 20years but turns out it was only about 10-15mins. The views from the top were…..everything! I just remember feeling blessed. I facetimed mum to thank her again for watching my baby and to show her where we were. Something that was repeated to us was that the touristy places cost a lot of money for lunch so Nathanael went for a quick little walk to see if he could find anywhere else. Just a few hundred metres down the road he found a little deli that made sandwiches. Sure, I thought. I could handle a sandwich. You got to pick each of the ingredients from the window. Fresh meats, cheeses, tomatoes, olives, etc.

We went back to the stunning view and started lunch. I took a photo of it because it was the BEST SANDWICH OF MY LIFE. If I ever have another one better, I’m either in heaven or just extremely blessed.

Our day in Capri was spent walking and soaking in views on repeat. Throw in a Duomo and a free chocolate sampling shop and I was a very happy girl. I never knew an Italy like this existed and I was embracing all of it.

Towards the end of the day we were on a cliff edge and I saw these beautiful clouds with the most angelic glow around them. I remember feeling so strongly in my body that life was going to be okay. Nothing in particular and everything in general.
I was just saying to my Aunty the other day that “Each day and moment we get choices and life is about trying our best to string them together to bring us joy”.

Too often we don’t stop to appreciate what we have and where we are. Life can be brutal and it can be hard dealing with imperfections in ourselves, others and situations. Although we may be able to improve these to an extent our lives will always be full of them. My mother is one of the most grateful people I know. If there is ever a message she is willing to reteach me, it’s gratitude. That day I felt grateful and today I feel grateful. I truly think it is the key to making life not just bearable but joyful.

Sad to be leaving the amazing coast line of Italy it was time to head back to Rome. Our second last block of holiday before it was all over.
Stay with me so you can enjoy all the fun to come.
Love Sarah Kay, xx
P.s. *always practise gratitude

3 thoughts on “Gratitude in Italy…

  1. Thanks for detailing your trip! Makes me wish I was in your pocket for the whole trip.
    We are enjoying being back in our own home, though we miss Australia and good people like you. We are in the middle of painting our basement and then we’ll move to remodeling the main floor ( something I wish was already done). Oh well, it will all be great. I’m just a bit impatient. We have been enjoying family and even flew to Arizona and to California to visit children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren.
    All of our children and most of our grandchildren were at the airport when we arrived. Some couldn’t get away from school so those are the ones we went. The airport welcome was awesome and there were tons of people since there was us and 5 other missionaries on the flight The sign I got the big red t laugh over said. “ I’ve waited my whole life to see you!” (She was born after we left home). Got to get painting. So I’ll go now. Love you guys and miss you!!!!

  2. Thanks for detailing your trip! Makes me wish I was in your pocket for the whole trip.
    We are enjoying being back in our own home, though we miss Australia and good people like you. We are in the middle of painting our basement and then we’ll move to remodeling the main floor ( something I wish was already done). Oh well, it will all be great. I’m just a bit impatient. We have been enjoying family and even flew to Arizona and to California to visit children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren.
    All of our children and most of our grandchildren were at the airport when we arrived. Some couldn’t get away from school so those are the ones we went. The airport welcome was awesome and there were tons of people since there was us and 5 other missionaries on the flight The sign I got the big red t laugh over said. “ I’ve waited my whole life to see you!” (She was born after we left home). Got to get painting. So I’ll go now. Love you guys and miss you!!!!

    1. Ahh! We completely miss you. You’re not sitting in front or behind us at church!

      We met the new senior couple and it made me miss you guys again!

      Ah! Painting. I am not a fan. It will all be awesome once it done but you’ve just got to get there first.

      Been thinking of you and all the family. Hope you were all able to be comforted together.

      I got to see the Facebook video of the airport Welcome. So many cute grandbabies waiting for a cuddle and hello!

      I saw the sign. I loved it. I made one just like it for my sister in law who hasn’t met Claire yet. She gets home tomorrow at midnights from her mission in India.

      I’m glad you’ve been able to visit the family. It will be lovely that you are both home for Christmas this year. Won’t be a hot Aussie one like last year though!

      Love you both and missing you!! Xx

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