A life changing birthday…

Happy Birthday to my sweet little girl. FOUR YEARS OLD. It’s been quite the year. Annabelle has had lots of new things happen and lots of fun experiences. Like anyone’s life, there have been ups and downs. Thought it was a good time to update you all.

Over the past year, Annabelle has experienced a lot. Sleeping only 9hrs overnight leaves a lot of time throughout the day to explore and seek out adventures.

Some of the fun things that have happened to Annabelle this past year have been…..

Annabelle became an older Sister shortly after her birthday last year and has enjoyed the growth of Claire. Constantly encouraging her to play and grow. Claire has responded with pure joy and excitement for when her sister is around. Claire started walking right on 9mths (I’m sure with strong encouragement and persuasion from her sister) and they both enjoy playing outside together and being chased around the house.

Annabelle has enjoyed spending Saturday mornings with her Daddy Nathanael doing Parkrun. 5km in the pram over roughly 22mins, with snacks, and a blanket, and a promise of a playground play is an agreement she will accept. We have loved her liberty of clothing choices at a rushed 6:30 am and her consistent dislike for Nathanael choosing Parkrun’s that have grass. She will moan the entire time the pram runs over the grass until it’s back to smooth ground. Nathanael has enjoyed the looks people give as they wonder what is going on inside the running pram. Now that Annabelle is four, she is able to register herself for Parkrun and will be able to start running and scanning her OWN barcode. Watch out here she comes!

Earlier this year Annabelle got to start at Kindergarten. Annabelle has loved being able to meet new friends and learn new activities. Annabelle loves to play outside, bring in library books to read and is always thrilled when she gets to avoid nap time and instead is able to sit on the side and read or have quiet time instead. Annabelle has made some lovely friends but one in particular Peyton. They are both born towards the end of the ‘schooling’ year and are both around the same small petite size. Kindy has been wonderful for Annabelle to be creative and experience a wide range of activities and personalities.

While we really struggled for the first half of Annabelle being 3 it’s been a slightly different experience as we have approached closer to Annabelle turning four. If you missed, I wrote a blog post about our struggles with Annabelle (Our little, but big Challenge). After waiting many months for an appointment with a professional, speaking to her Kindy teachers one who has been doing this role for nearly FOUR DECADES we have finally been given some answers that help explain what is happening with our sweetheart.

Annabelle has been diagnosed with being neurodiverse (having a neurological disorder). It’s been a relief to know that it hasn’t been due to ‘bad parenting’ and to know that there are reasons behind her personality, behaviour and actions. Along with that has come some grieving for us as a family. More on that in another post as this one is about the wonderful things that have happened over the past year and although we wouldn’t wish anything to be a challenge for Annabelle this is what she has been ‘blessed’ with and we are excited to work with her to help her thrive.

Our keyword for Annabelle this year is THRIVE. Everything we do from adventures, structures, decisions, appointment, therapies, holidays, relationships, restrictions, freedoms are all about helping her to THRIVE.

Although Annabelle will have hard work ahead of her trying to learn how to best harness her abilities and structure her life in a way that will set her up for success she has two parents that adore her and are fighting for her success (success meaning things like being happy, healthy, strong etc.) every day.

To finish I wanted to share with you a letter I have written to Annabelle. Being four she isn’t going to understand the depth of my message but she will know that I love her.

To my sweet baby girl. You’re four years old and I can’t believe how big you are getting. Watching you grow is my favourite thing. Being put in socially awkward situations, being with you as you introduce yourself to everyone you meet. “Hi, my names Annabelle” and wanting to touch every animal and bug that comes into your somewhat personal space is fascinating.

You are strong and resilient and I know this because you don’t see some of the ‘big people’ things that happen around you. You have always focused on the fun to be had right in front of you. Just like the rest of the days, you have lived, every day in the future I will continue to fight for your happiness. I will be here along the way to be your over the top cheerleader to encourage you to jump off that excessively high rock that no other kid is jumping off.

My love for you is something that can’t be measured but it is something that I can continue to show you each and every day. In big ways like saying “I love you” and little ways like giving you grace when you find things hard.

I promise to continue to protect you and make hard decisions that will be the best for your initial happiness and your future to come.
Heavenly Father has entrusted you to me and I promise to do my part to personally grow and develop into the mother you require and most importantly deserve.

Happy Birthday to my sweet baby girl. Keep driving us insane, keep making us laugh, keep shining your light on our lives and others because YOU are exactly what WE need and what the WORLD needs.

Love you my darling. Now and forever. Now let’s activate ‘dance mode’

Love Sarah Kay, xx

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