Cheers to 8yrs! Enjoy some fun facts about us…

Wow here we are again. Feels like only a couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog post about our 7th Anniversary . Another year of hard work and another year of joy. This year I thought I would share some nuggets of facts about us and have a guest appearance from Nathanael. He was ‘SO’ excited to be a part of this blog post. Scroll down to read his comments. (Warning most of them are full of sarcasm)

Marriage is a privilege, a choice and a commitment to be better, to be happy, to be grateful. So let’s get into it.

Fun facts about us!

  1. We got married on a Friday because that’s when the venue and temple were available. 
  2. We love to play board games/card games together. We own over 60 games and it’s one of our favourite activities to do together. 
  3. We are super compatible travellers. We both want to get up to see and do everything we can fit it. We both enjoy viewing the same things and great at compromising when out and about. 
  4. We both have generational middle names
  5. I heavily dislike running but enjoy the gym and Nathanael heavily dislikes the gym and enjoys running. 
  6. We met and started officially dating 13 days later, then we dated for 3 weeks 6 days and then had a 3-month break (and spent almost every day together for hours) and then dated for 1 day before we decided to get married. 😊
  7. We have been to 8 countries in the last 8 years. 
  8. We are in lots of ways the complete opposite human which at times drives one or both of us wild but as we have worked over the past 8 years and with the *hopefully* many years to come we continue to blend, stretch and grow our souls into one fluffy, harmonious and happy couple. (Nathanael screwed his nose up at that. ‘Apparently’ he doesn’t want to be ‘fluffy’….see different haha)

Things I love about Nathanael 

  1. I love that Nathanael is obedient and happy to follow the rules
  2. I love that Nathanael is adventurous and will give almost anything a go (except anything that has the feeling of falling)
  3. I love that Nathanael loves to run. He completed his first marathon last year and is currently in training for an ultra-marathon. I love that he enjoys getting out there and making it happen. 
  4. I love that Nathanael loves to learn, he is constantly reading, listening and watching for new knowledge about a wide range of things. 
  5. I love that Nathanael is all about playing with the girls. He will give them hours a day of playing, chatting and loving. 
  6. I love how focussed Nathanael is on the family. He is an amazing provider because everything he does is for the support of us three girls. 
  7. I love that Nathanael supports and encourages me to be a stay at home mum. Although he would support anything I wanted to do. I love that if he came home and the house was a mess and no food was organised for dinner if that time had been spent playing and enjoying the girls that’s all that matters to him. 
  8. I love that Nathanael chooses me. It’s obvious that I’ve had my fair share of trauma and that can, has and is presenting itself in many ways but he is patient of my journey and continues to choose me. 

Couples Questionnaire

Questions I asked Nathanael about me. 

If I were in a witness protection program, what would my nickname be?

– *Squints eyes* Mary Lou Freebush (From Miss Congeniality, good one!) 

If I could travel back in time where would I go?

– Probably back to the creation so I could see how it all happened. (Hmm, not sure, never thought of it)

What would I be willing to do for a million dollars?

– Pick the right capsicum (I actually had this chance to pick a capsicum and win a million dollars but alas didn’t choose correctly)

Which thing would I never share with anyone?

– The location of the best vanilla slice in the world (True)

Which is the household chore I dislike the most?

– Ironing. (That’s true. Thank you Corona, no ironing for me 😊)

Where in the world I wouldn’t like to be right now?

– Iraq (One of a few places for sure)

What would I like to spend more time on?

– Yourself. (Again, so true) 

Which unconscious gesture reveals that I feel uncomfortable with the situation or conversation?

– Verbal Diarrhoea (True!)

Questions Nathanael asked me to answer 

How do I like to relax?

– By learning something new while being alone (You nailed it *said sarcastically*)

What is my favourite number 

– 264 (You know me better than I know myself *again said sarcastically)

What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me?

– Married you? (It’s the nicest thing anyone ever will do for me *more sarcasm)

Which is my favourite cereal?

– Weetbix for sure! Everrrryday! (Breakfast of Champions!) 

What is my favourite chips flavour?

– Hmm, probably bbq (I’m not sure how you spell this but *blows a raspberry with thumbs down*, apparently it’s light and tangy 🤷‍♀️

What superpower would I choose?

– Invisibility so you can be alone when you want a break (Nah, I’d choose flying)

Which place would I no longer come back for vacation?

– Any place we have been before that serves no purpose going back to. (That’s probably right)

What is my favourite colour?

– Blue. (You know it! *back with the sarcasm*)

So, there’s a bit of fun for you all to enjoy. Although we have had some super times together like anything in life it’s involved a lot of work. Two people with completely different backgrounds, thoughts, opinions, feelings, patterns, stories and issues requires work to continually evolve and grow. The more that happens the better things become and the more we enjoy being in this marriage together. I am proud of the progress we are making and I am so happy with my family. 

We will spend our whole life, changing and growing and I can’t wait to see what comes next. Bring on another year and hopefully by 10 years we can travel internationally again and maybe even leave the kids….hey Grandma? Haha! 

Nathanael, I love you. 

Love, Sarah Kay xx

2 thoughts on “Cheers to 8yrs! Enjoy some fun facts about us…

    1. 56!!! That’s amazing! Hopefully we can be just like you. It’s wonderful to see beautiful examples of happy eternal love. Thank you for being such an inspiration. Xxxx

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