Claire’s Baby Blessing

A Special Day to Remember.
A baby blessing, christening, naming day, baptism, a sign that a new baby has entered the world. There are so many cultures around the world that give significance to a new baby and their name/arrival. Some cultures put honey or something sweet as babies first taste so that they speak sweetly. Some give a plain or ugly name to ward off evil spirits. Others perform a naming ceremony when the baby is being born by calling out the name of the living relatives and then the moment when the placenta is removed the name being called is the babies name. This is then followed by a ritual to protect babies’ health where special leaves are burnt by the mother and grandmother so the baby can be near the purifying smoke. Wherever, whoever and however you decide to cherish your new baby, I hope it is special for you.

For myself and my family we have what is called a ‘Baby Blessing’. An opportunity to present our baby before Heavenly Father for a name and a blessing. This is where we, through the priesthood, record our babies name on earth and in heaven and then give them a blessing. This blessing contains whatever the presenter feels inspired by the Holy Ghost to bless them with. It doesn’t mean everything spoken will ‘come true’ word for word but rather a blessing for the things we wish to see our child be blessed with.

Nathanael has had the wonderful opportunity to be the one to administer this blessing on both of our girls. You could imagine my excitement for this occasion and potential disappointment for it turning out a bit pear shaped.

For Annabelle, the microphone’s volume was turned down low and with Nathanael’s naturally soft voice it meant that only the first row could hear. Luckily halfway through a friend who knew what was wrong went and turned the microphone up so I was able to hear the end of her blessing. I didn’t get to catch too much but one thing stuck out to me. Annabelle was blessed with a “curious mind”. It’s something that has stuck with me as I have watched her develop a sense of curiosity of how and why things work. Something I think she will continue to have in spades as she gets bigger.

Right! So Annabelle’s didn’t quite go to plan so you bet I was ready to have Claire’s run smoothly. I had accepted Annabelle’s blessing 3 years ago and made peace with what I did hear. The day we had Claire blessed there was another little boy blessed first. We were to go second. They finished and we were feeling good. The microphone worked and it ran smoothly. Nathanael gets up with Claire and our chosen close male relatives. *Tap, tap, tap* Handheld microphone not working…urgh, they decide to move to the pulpit where the permanent microphone is. Off they go….turns out Nathanael just wasn’t quite close enough and it was hard to hear. Also, I found myself realising that I had not prepared my situation well with my brother participating in the blessing I had to look after his 4,3,2,1 year olds as they asked what seemed like 5000 questions. Trying to entertain them and shoo them off to other relatives quickly I heard but small snippets of Claire’s blessing. Again! Really…why!

One of the few things I heard and which I heard twice was that Claire was blessed to be an example. Instantly I took it. Yup, that was all I needed to hear. I knew that her name had been presented and I knew that she was loved. What more could I ask for with my two baby girls being blessed.

Claire was blessed 3 weeks ago now and there are so many things I have learnt and taken away from her blessing. Here are some of them –
1.      Two weeks later we attended the blessing of one of our close friends. I was able to share with the mother that if it went pear shaped, she wouldn’t be the only one. As they attended Claire’s blessing, they were prepared in bringing their own personal microphone from home as they had confidence it would work. I have since been promised this same microphone so fingers crossed for third time lucky. Haha.
2.      I have been cut down with humility to keep things simple. Too often I and many others I speak to, find themselves stressed at the expectation for it to be the BEST! Now I wasn’t competing with anyone else and didn’t have expectations on it being perfect but, in a world where others seem to have the most gorgeous photos, or perfectly behaved baby, a blessing with words that would bring anyone to tears these seem to be the ones people remember. The ones that people care about, the ones people give love and care for. I only want my children to be cared and loved for, even if they don’t have the ‘picture perfect’ life.
Simple…they both got their baby blessing, I heard a phrase from each that is special, their Daddy got to be there for them in that moment. We had special friends and family there to show their love and support. We have photos no matter how few or bad quality, we have them. We got to eat yummy soup at our house both times. This to me is success, is happiness, is perfect!

3.      When Claire was blessed, she was surrounded by men who love her. One hand under Claire holding her up and the other hand on the shoulder of those next to them. A circle of love, protecting her, supporting her and raising her up. This was viewed by more that love her. Aunties, Uncles, Grandparents, Cousins, Friends and Family. As I have sat and thought about it, I see that it is something that will represent her whole life.

Safe guarded and protected by others that fearlessly love her. Sometimes being there to raise her up, sometimes to watch her as she goes through those special moments, sometimes as an example of bonding and uniting with those around her.
No matter what happens in Claire’s life she will have people surrounding her with love. A moment that started the minute she was born, through her first special occasion and for the rest of her life. This was just another one of those special moments that I can sit back and view. Something I don’t need any words to remember to do so.

So, no matter what happens to any future blessings, special occasions or moments. Whether or not I can hear them. I know that I can just look, watch and feel in my soul the love this world has for my girls. A sight that is louder than any words could ever be.
Love, Sarah Kay xx

P.s. Check out some more photos from Claire’s Special Day

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