

Hooray! This is a special moment for me and I’m so excited to be sharing it with you too. For so many years, even as early as in childhood, I have loved to write and share. Share my thoughts, ideas, faults, motivation and a love for being real and vulnerable. To so many, I know the very thought of this scares and confuses them which is part of what makes us so different. For me though, I can’t deny this overwhelming feeling that it is time. So….welcome to my blog! Please comment and interact with me. I want to use this space to connect, help and be inspired by you.

A little about me and where I am at right now. I am currently 40 weeks pregnant and expecting the arrival of my second little girl any day now. I’ve got so much to update you on with my pregnancy and the journey of getting there. Overall at the moment I am feeling pretty good. It’s been an interesting and exciting week as I delivered my first at 38+1 weeks pregnant and so am enjoying every minute being more pregnant than ever. What makes it interesting is that I get to, in a way, feel as though I am a first-time mum. With my first Annabelle it was a complete spontaneous labour. All of a sudden, my waters just broke. I’ll share more with you in my birth story of Annabelle at a later point. Being so unexpected I wasn’t looking for any signs and really don’t remember feeling anything different. This time I’m on the look out and waiting every day and night wondering and knowing what’s about to happen is just so different.

I am glad though that I’ve been able to have this extra time and truthfully would be happy with another 1-2 weeks. Annabelle has just turned 3 recently and I am still happily attending the gym 3-4 times a week. Add in some swim lessons, dance classes and craft activities we are happy as a family of 3. Of course, we are so excited for our new addition we just aren’t in any hurry to have life turned upside down again right now. Too bad it’s not really up to us, she will come when she wants and we will welcome her warmly. Another reason we are happy with her being on the inside right now is that my husband, Nathanael, is finishing up his LAST week of Marathon training in preparation for his first marathon on Sat 25th May. Only 2 days after my due date. I know you’re probably wondering how were we so clever to organise that one. I’ll leave that for another blog post too. It’s one of those ‘good timing’ moments, haha.

Check out my ‘About Me’ page to learn a few more things about me and why I want you to be a part of this blog journey. For now though, here are ‘5 Random Facts About Me’

1.     I have two older Brothers

2.   I like Dark Chocolate the best (Especially Old Gold Roast Almond)

3.   I get the BIGGEST buzz out of Decluttering/Organising (Frothing type buzz haha)

4.   I have played a game of AFL 7’s at half time of a Lions/Collingwood Game at the Gabba Stadium with Kay MGrath (Current Channel 7 Journalist of 30years)

5.    I broke my nose when I was 5yrs old trying to catch a frisbee, it slipped right through my hands and smacked me in the face

Well that’s it for now. Let me know by commenting below what you would love me to write about or any questions you have. The quirkier the better!

Remember – Today is a new opportunity to do one thing, no matter how big or small that makes you happy.

Love Sarah Kay xx

14 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Looking forward to your blog lovely. And it’s so interesting I’m reading your welcome post on your blog when just the other day I was thinking of doing the same thing! 😄 Although is love to write a book or be a motivational speaker also. Looking forward to joining your journey gorgeous girl.
    Love you!
    Sam B

    1. Some of us just have this need to write and share don’t we? I would love very much to be a motivational speaker too. I really want to inspire people to continue to evolve, change and grow. I truly think it’s what helps us to be so happy. Do it. Write a blog, you have so much goodness to share. Love ya! x

    1. So are you! One day I will write a blog about our Tassie Trip, hopefully it will just be a Part 1 and I can get some more content for a Part 2. 😉

  2. Love this Sarah, I think you’re the first mum ive ever come across that is so excited to be overdue 😂 you look amazing and still killing those gym sessions 😍 I look forward to reading more of your blogs esp when baby arrives and how different it will be now that you are a family of 4. Annabelle is so ready to be a big sister 😊❤

    1. Haha, I’m a tad disappointed I didn’t get to go further overdue. Next time hopefully. Life is going to be so different but I look forward to navigating and sharing it with you!

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