Mother’s Blessing – Part Two

36 weeks of pregnancy came around and the day was here. We started the day with an explanation of a Mother’s Blessing. We then continued with a 5min meditation. As I sat at the head of the long table, I opened my eyes to watch. Some people there had never meditated before and I was curious to see everyone’s response. As I opened my eyes I was met with tears as each person sat still in silence with their eyes closed. They sat, listened and participated wholly. Tears filled my eyes and I snapped a picture so I could remember that moment forever.

We then shared our family history lines through our mothers and how each person knew me. It was incredible to hear people share about their mothers and grandmothers. Some didn’t have good relationships with those people, and for some both generations had already passed away. Others had both generations sitting at the table with them. It was such a uniting experience as women were able to know who understood some of the pain they felt surrounding their family history. It made me realise too that for some it had been a while since they thought about those women, what their full names were and where they are now. Something so simple but powerful.

After this, we moved on to the bead and words activity. We started at the end of the table and each person read aloud the note they had prepared and the reason they chose that bead. They then placed it onto the necklace string and passed it along. I literally sat at the end of the table with my OWN box of tissues. What was shared was nothing short of a sacred experience. The love that flowed in that space was palpable. The generosity in beads that were handmade, engraved, bought, regifted and so unbelievably thoughtful was something I will remember forever. If there ever were a fire this necklace will be one of the few items I grab.

The last activity that we joined together in was to wrap all of our wrists with a piece of string. As each wrist was wrapped, we passed the ball of string onto the next person until everyone’s wrist had been wrapped. Once we were all joined and connected, we then made cuts so that everyone had their own piece of string. Each person could choose to wear their string on their wrist as a bracelet until after baby was born or put it around a candle that would be lit when I was in labour.

It’s been over 12 months now and I’m still wearing mine on my wrist and will until it breaks off itself. This activity was to unite and connect all of us and it’s been so meaningful and touching having pictures sent over the past year of people still wearing them.

Shortly after this people needed to head off and those remaining continued to eat, chat and bond with one another. We did have one little guessing game of baby’s gender, date and weight to which most chose an OVERDUE due date. Thanks team, I blame all of you for the almost 11 days I went over.

I knew though that whatever happened moving forward that a big piece of my heart had been healed. I knew that I have witnessed something truly divine and had been a part of a new way forward. A path forward where women can feel uplifted, loved, cared for and held.
As I thanked everyone for their contribution to the day, I shared these thoughts.

Struggling with an eating disorder the past couple of years I felt really alone. Lots of things in my life were challenging. While mentally I had practised and developed a profound strength, parts of me were left weary and unsure. As I pondered my upcoming birth, I looked around to see what I had available in my ‘toolkit’ to help me through the experience.

That’s when it dawned on me that I had access to an incredibly amazing group of women that have been with me through many years of my life. Some longer than others but I recognised that I had a great power surrounding me. I wanted to reach out and ask for that help and ask the women in my life to support me. I also knew that my story is not a rarity.

That while the content was different that EVERYONE sitting at the table was battling something. Everyone was struggling to cope with moments in their life. I wanted to create a space for just an hour or two where I could feel uplifted but so could everyone that was there. This was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I encourage each of you to create moments like this in your life with those around you.

I haven’t always felt like I had lots of people around me to love me but this experience proved to me just how wrong I am. I had women willing to come far and wide to show me that and I would do that for all of them too. Reach out to those around you and have the courage to ask for the love, support and guidance that you need. Reach out to me. I’ll be there, ready to sing your praises!

To those special women in my life and to all the special women in my life. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me into your heart and life. Thank you for the words that you wrote, shared and encouraged me with. Thank you for giving me your time, attention and devotion. I truly mean it when I say that a piece of my heart was healed that day when we all came together.

A piece I had yearned to be healed for such a long time. What you participated in was life-changing, not only for me but for my three daughters. The generational impact you have had will be profound and I am honoured and humbled immensely. I hope as the years progress, I may be able to share with you the same love and support you have given me.

To my mother, thank you for opening your home and always supporting me in my ideas and hopes. We are two very different people but all the good parts of me are what I got from you. Thank you for having the courage to host this event, step out of your comfort zone and welcome everyone into your home with love. You are divine and you continue to add immense value to my life.

I am loved
You are loved

Love, Sarah Kay, xx

P.s. I’d also like to give a shout-out to a very special guest. While this person wasn’t formally invited, they brought incredible love and support to me on the day. This person who often drives me wildly insane is someone I love dearly. Someone I can trust, depend on and know will forever be there for me.

This person questioned why it was a women’s only event. I simply declared that men were able to come I just hadn’t invited any. So naturally to try and gain an invite this special guest did what anyone would naturally do….

Tyler, I love you and am proud of you.

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